
The integration of IT and communications translation service
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2016-10-10 | 責(zé)任編輯:admin | 瀏覽數(shù):1522 | 內(nèi)容來源:本站編輯發(fā)布


協(xié)議/合約 Agreement

遺產(chǎn)繼承批準(zhǔn)書 Approval Letter of Succession

司理委任批準(zhǔn)書 Approval of Appointment of Manager

允許書 Assent

轉(zhuǎn)讓契約 Assignment

集體官契 Block Crown Lease

建筑牌照:建屋牌照 Building Licence

建筑按揭/建筑抵押 Building MortgageBuilding Legal Charge

停車場發(fā)展藍(lán)圖 Car Park Layout Plan

完工證:完成規(guī)定事項(xiàng)證明書 Certificate of Compliance

豁免遺產(chǎn)稅證明書 Certificate of Exemption of Estate Duty

更易名稱證明書 Certificate of Incorporation on Change of Name

批地條件:新批約 Conditions of GrantNew Grant

同意書 Consent Letter

死亡證 Death Certificate

債券 Debenture

信托契 Declaration of Trust

契據(jù);契約 Deed

交換契 Deed of Exchange

家庭協(xié)議書(遺產(chǎn)處理一般根據(jù)法例規(guī)定) Deed of Family Arrangement

送讓契 Deed of Gift

公契 Deed of Mutual Covenant

分產(chǎn)契 Deed of Partition

分割契據(jù) Deed of Poll

修正契 Deed of Rectification

解除責(zé)任/扣押契約 Deed of Release

放棄租位權(quán)契據(jù)(租約):土地歸還契約(土地) Deed of Surrender

解除按揭 Discharge of Mortgage

樓花按揭 Equitable Mortgage

加按契 Further Charge

法定押記 Legal Charge

甲/乙種換地權(quán)益書 Letter AB

函件:證明書 Letters

遺產(chǎn)管理委任書 Letters of Administration

貸款協(xié)議 Loan Agreement

總綱發(fā)展藍(lán)圖 Master Layout Plan

修訂書 Modification Letter

按揭 Mortgage

“”「不反對修訂」公函 No Objection Letter

收地通告 Notice of Resumption

入伙紙 Occupation Permit

授權(quán)書 Power of Attorney

遺囑認(rèn)證 Probate

&臨時(shí)買賣合約 Provisional Sale & Purchase Agreement

贖契 Receipt on Discharge

解除協(xié)議 Recission of Agreement

&買賣合約 Sale & Purchase Agreement

押記令蓋印副本 Sealed Copy of Charging Order

物業(yè)凍結(jié)令 Sealed Copy Order Imposing Charge on Land

#NAME? Sub-Sale Agreement

增補(bǔ)協(xié)議 Supplementary Agreement

租約 Tenancy Agreement

暫準(zhǔn)書 Toleration Letter

買賣協(xié)議 Agreement for Sale and Purchase

一切款項(xiàng) All monies

遺產(chǎn)繼承批準(zhǔn)書 Approval Letter of Succession

司理委任批準(zhǔn)書 Approval of Appointment of Manager

允許書 Assent

轉(zhuǎn)讓契 Assignment

集體官契 Block Government Lease

建筑許可證 Building Licence

建筑按揭/建筑抵押 Building MortgageBuilding Legal Charge

停車場發(fā)展藍(lán)圖 Car Park Layout Plan

合格證明書 Certificate of Compliance

豁免遺產(chǎn)稅證明書 Certificate of Exemption of Estate Duty

更易名稱證明書 Certificate of Incorporation on Change of Name

清償證明書 Certificate of Satisfaction

絕對押記令 Charging Order Absolute

換地條件 Conditions of Exchange

批地條件 Conditions of Grant

重批條件 Conditions of Re-grant

同意書 Consent Letter

死亡證明書 Death Certificate

債權(quán)證 Debenture

已故 Deceased

信托聲明書 Declaration of Trust

契據(jù)/契約 Deed

交換契據(jù) Deed of Exchange

送讓契 Deed of Gift

公契 Deed of Mutual Covenant

分產(chǎn)契 Deed of Partition

修正契 Deed of Rectification

解除責(zé)任契約/解除扣押契約 Deed of Release

平邊契據(jù) Deed Poll

信托契據(jù) Deed of Trust

按揭解除 Discharge of Mortgage

衡平法上的按揭(俗稱樓花按揭) Equitable Mortgage

再進(jìn)行押記 Further Charge

政府租契 Government Lease

地稅 Government Rent

內(nèi)地段 Inland Lot

不可撤銷/不得撤回 Irrevocable

聯(lián)權(quán)共有人 Joint Tenants

出租/租契/租約/租賃 Lease

法定押記/法律押記 Legal Charge

甲/乙種換地權(quán)益書 Letter AB

不反對入住書 Letter of No Objection to Occupy

函件/證明書/信件 Letters

遺產(chǎn)管理證明書 Letters of Administration

特許/許可 Licence

待決案件 Lis Pendens

貸款協(xié)議 Loan Agreement

地段 Lot

總綱發(fā)展藍(lán)圖 Master Layout Plan

章程大綱/備忘錄 Memorandum

修訂書 Modification Letter

按揭 Mortgage

新批租約 New Grant

"不反對修訂公函 No Objection Letter

提名/提名書 Nominations

收回土地通知書 Notice of Resumption

占用許可證(俗稱入伙紙) Occupation Permit

下令/命令/法庭命令 Order

授權(quán)書 Power of Attorney

地價(jià) Premium

遺囑認(rèn)證/遺囑認(rèn)證書 Probate

臨時(shí)買賣協(xié)議 Provisional Agreement for Sale and Purchase

差餉 Rates

再轉(zhuǎn)讓 Reassignment

責(zé)任解除書/發(fā)還書 Release

罷免受托人 Removal of Trustee

解除協(xié)議 Rescission of Agreement

押記令蓋印副本 Sealed Copy Charging Order

第二次法定押記 Second Legal Charge

法定聲明 Statutory Declaration

--轉(zhuǎn)售、轉(zhuǎn)購協(xié)議 Sub-Sale and Sub-purchase Agreement

增補(bǔ)協(xié)議 Supplementary Agreement

交回/放棄/退回 Surrender

租賃協(xié)議 Tenancy Agreement

分權(quán)共有人 Tenants in Common

暫準(zhǔn)書 Toleration Letter

不分割份數(shù) Undivided Shares

歸屬契據(jù) Vesting Deed

免除書 Waiver letter
