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中國貸款幫助巴基斯坦避免貨幣危機(jī) 英語翻譯

2017-5-2 | 責(zé)任編輯:admin | 瀏覽數(shù):1647 | 內(nèi)容來源:本站編輯發(fā)布

China has increased its economic sway in Pakistan during the past year, providing more than $1bn in loans to help its neighbour stave off a currency crisis.

State-backed Chinese banks have twice come to the rescue of the nuclear-armed state, officials have told the Financial Times, with $900m in 2016 and $300m in the first three months of this year.
The loans demonstrate the perilous fragility of Pakistan’s stocks of foreign currency, depleted in recent months by rising imports and falls in exports and remittances from Pakistanis abroad.
China’s financial help also underlines an increasingly close relationship at a time of strains between Pakistan and the US.
Beijing is preparing to invest at least $52bn in Pakistan to build a highway, energy pipelines, power-generation facilities and industrial parks from the western port of Gwadar on the Gulf to the Chinese border to the north.
But despite its expected benefits, the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor infrastructure project is set to further deplete the foreign currency stocks, needed to pay contractors and suppliers.
但是,盡管有預(yù)期的好處,但中巴經(jīng)濟(jì)走廊(China-Pakistan Economic Corridor)基建項(xiàng)目勢必進(jìn)一步消耗巴基斯坦的外匯儲備,因?yàn)樵搰鴮⑿枰虺邪毯凸⿷?yīng)商付款。
Figures from the State Bank of Pakistan show the country had $17.1bn of net reserves at the end of February, down from $18.9bn at the end of October and a peak of $25bn several years ago.
巴基斯坦國家銀行(State Bank of Pakistan)的數(shù)據(jù)顯示,2月底該國凈外匯儲備為171億美元,低于去年10月底的189億美元,以及幾年前達(dá)到的250億美元的峰值。
This has forced the country to seek emergency loans from outside sources to repay older loans made in foreign currencies.
Of the $1.2bn from the Chinese institutions, $600m came from the government-run China Development Bank and $600m from the state-owned Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, the only mainland bank with a branch in Pakistan. Policy banks such as CDB often act on behalf of the central bank.
One Pakistani official said: “China keeps a very close eye on our economic trends and they’re happy to come to our help wherever needed.”
But experts warn that Pakistan is likely to have to return to institutions such as the International Monetary Fund, to which it sought recourse in 2013, for further support.

Vaqar Ahmeddeputy executive director of the Sustainable Development Policy Institute inIslamabadsaid: “Technically speaking we should have gone back to the IMF in Januarybutministers are likely to try and wait until after the election [for parliament planned for 2018].”

伊斯蘭堡可持續(xù)發(fā)展政策研究所(SDPI)副執(zhí)行主任瓦加爾?艾哈邁德(Vaqar Ahmed)表示:“從技術(shù)上說,我們應(yīng)該在1月份就再度向IMF求助,但是部長級官員們很可能會試圖拖到(計(jì)劃于2018年舉行的議會)選舉之后。”
One member of the ruling Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz told the Financial Times ministers wereloath to turn to the IMF until after the election in an effort to limit the political fallout.
The IMF is a politically volatile issue in our countryIf we go to the IMF to deal with our needs,that will send a very negative political signal and the opposition [partieswill use that againstthe government,” the person said.
IMF在我國是一個(gè)政治敏感的問題。如果我們?nèi)フ?span id="lco3c8cy8h" class="hcdict" word="IMF" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px;">IMF來解決我們的需要,那將發(fā)出一個(gè)非常消極的政治信號,反對派政黨將借用這件事狠批政府,”此人表示。
It was only last year that Pakistan cleared the IMF debt incurred in 2013, a repayment that ledpolicymakers in Islamabad and abroad to express optimism about prospects for economicstability.
Christine Lagardethe head of the IMFcalled it a “moment of opportunity” for the country.
IMF總裁克里斯蒂娜?拉加德(Christine Lagarde)曾把這件事稱為該國的“機(jī)遇時(shí)刻”。
